What’s to Come as Climate Change Makes Landslides More Common
via WWeek.com, February 28, 2019
Landslides on unstable slopes along the Oregon coast could increase by 30 percent in coming years as storms become more severe.
Highway 101 landslide (Tidewater Contractors/Twitter)
Highways along the Oregon coast could be the next casualties of climate change.
On Tuesday, the Oregon Department of Transportation tweeted, roads outside of the coastal town of Brookings turned into warped and jagged chunks of asphalt after a landslide stripped away the sediment beneath Highway 101...read full article.
Climate change can affect coastal areas in several ways, and highways along the Oregon coast are vulnerable to various climate-related impacts, including:
Sea Level Rise: One of the significant concerns for coastal areas is sea level rise. As global temperatures increase, glaciers and polar ice melt, contributing to rising sea levels. Higher sea levels can lead to coastal erosion, saltwater intrusion, and increased flooding, which may impact the infrastructure of coastal highways.
Coastal Erosion: Climate change can intensify coastal erosion through increased storm activity and sea level rise. Coastal highways, being close to the shoreline, may face challenges such as erosion of the land beneath them and damage from storm surges.
Extreme Weather Events: Climate change is associated with an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including storms, heavy rainfall, and flooding. These events can lead to landslides, road washouts, and other damage to coastal highways.
Infrastructure Vulnerability: Aging infrastructure and highways built in low-lying coastal areas may be more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. As sea levels rise and extreme weather events become more frequent, the risk of damage to roads, bridges, and other infrastructure increases.
Adaptation Strategies: Governments and local authorities are increasingly recognizing the need to adapt to the impacts of climate change. This includes implementing strategies such as building sea walls, elevating roads, and developing resilient infrastructure to mitigate the risks associated with rising sea levels and extreme weather events.